Assignments & Handouts

14.05.2013 (TUESDAY)
P.S.H.E/Islamic eng./: Do work sheet given / salat ul duha lesson done
Science: Activities On Magnetism
English:  N/A

French: Revise Work Given

Arabic reg/ Arabic special :  Copy The Work Given

Math: N/A

13.05.2013 (MONDAY)
English:  Write the shape Poem
Geography: Read pg 76 to 80 from social sudies text book
Maths: N/A
Science: Home Learning Given
Arabic:  Complete Work 

12.05.2013 (SUNDAY)
French: Revise For FINAL EXAM
English: Do all question from page63 in practice notebook
Library: Read Books
Islamic/P.S.H.E: Make a Quran file / Notes given
Math: Science complete revision worksheet
Geography: Bring S.S.T text book tommorow

24.04.2013 (WEDNESDAY)
English: Finals of Inter class basketball
Maths: Pg 78 
Geography: Learn given notes 
Arabic: Write chapters 6 and 7 in NB 
Art: Complete the drawing 

23.04.2013 (TUESDAY)
P.S.H.E/Islamic eng./: Do work sheet given / salat ul duha lesson done
Science: Do Questions 4, 5 and 6 in NB
English:  Complete grammar work

French: Work done

Arabic reg/ Arabic special :  Work done/ pg 102 ( last question ) 

Math: Q1 and 2 Page 77 TB 1

22.04.2013 (MONDAY)
English:  ICT test done / Notes given
Geography: Find information about Murray River 
Maths: Notes given
Science: Assembly
Arabic: Work done

21.04.2013 (SUNDAY)
Islamic/P.S.H.E: Salat ul witr lesson done/ work done
Math: HL given / bring TB 1,2
English: Work done 

18.04.2013 (THURSDAY)
ICT: Complete the given work 
English: Complete the work 
Arabic: Work done in class
Sci. Lab: Free period
Comp. Lab: Free period
Maths: Home work in Note book

17.04.2013 (WEDNESDAY)
English: complete the table  BEOWULF page 31
Maths: SIGN THE PAPERS AND BRING IT TOMORROW (science-math papers)
Geography: find about the Murray River
Arabic: write paragraph number 4 and 5 in NB page 166
Drama/Music: had fun

16.04.2013 (TUESDAY)
P.S.H.E/Islamic eng./Islamic ara.: Complete The Projects, Complete the Question

Science: Learnt About Tissues, Organs, and Systems

English: Complete the Story given

French: Page 88 Do Exercise 2-3

Arabic:  Do Chapter 2 and 3 in the N.B

15.04.2013 (MONDAY)
English: Find the meanings of Difficult words on Page: 31
Geography: Complete Work Given. 
Maths: Do Pg:27 Q.1 In the textbook and Q.2 in the Graph Book
Science: Revise the Topic: "Tissues, Organs, and Systems
Arabic: Do Chapter 1 in the N.B

14.04.2013 (SUNDAY)
French: Do Verbe avoir , etre aller 2 times in Page 164
English: Compelete the letter given
Library: Read Books
Islamic/P.S.H.E: Make a Quran file / Notes given
Math: Bring Text Book 2 tomorrow and Graph Book (Any)
Geography: Read Polluted Rivers and bring 2 Picture of Polluted River

28.03.2013 (THURSDAY)
ICT: Science Test Done
English: Complete the Class work given and the spring holiday worksheets and projects uploaded on GLG
Comp. Lab: Spring holiday worsheet on GLG
Maths: P.E

27.03.2013 (WEDNESDAY)
English: History worksheet done
Maths: Mental Math done
Geography: Pg 9 activity 2 ,  Define 
Arabic: Worksheet done
Art: Complete the drawing 

26.03.2013 (TUESDAY)
P.S.H.E/Islamic eng./Islamic ara.: Notes given,do question and answer 
Science:Test postponed to Thursday
English: Write a letter to priciple in practice nb.
French: Learn the possisifs
Arabic:  Dictation on Thursday AL - hawayatt

25.03.2013 (MONDAY)
English: Revise Sample Letter. Write a Complaint letter In Practise Book. For Flyers (High Electricity Bill) For Riders (Noise Pollution) For Warriors ( Traffic Congestion).

Geography: Complete the Diagrams given.
Maths: Prepare for the Science test on Thursday.

Science: Do The H.W of Question 4 and 5

Arabic: P.E and Hobbys done.

FRENCH: Page 92 (c'est) in note book
GEOGRAPHY: Read page 8 and 9
P.S.H.E/Islamic Eng./Islamic Ara.:  H.L and notes given
MATH: science revision work sheet given and maths home work given
ENGLISH: Find the difference between Formal and Informal Language

ICT: Notes Given in The Text Book
ENGLISH: Bring Cut outs of the History Worksheet and Complete Work given 
ARABIC: Notes Given
SCIENCE LAB: Maths Test Done
Comp. LAB : Learnt "Search Engine"
Maths: Notes Given

19.03.2013 (TUESDAY)
P.S.H.E/Islamic eng./Islamic ara.: Notes given,Quran Class,.............
Science: H.W Given in the N.B
English: Assembly Practise Done
French: Work Given On Pg: 84 and 83
Arabic:  Mental Maths Done

18.03.2013 (MONDAY)
English: Write and illustrate your story in the N.B
Geography: Learn the given ur story in the N.B
Maths: Complete work
Science: Find the difference and uses of series and parallel circuits
Arabic: New words given

17.03.2013 (SUNDAY)
French: Notes given
Library: Read Books
Islamic/P.S.H.E: Quran class / Notes given
Geography: Complete the Work given


13.03.2013 (WEDNESDAY)

English: Notes given

Maths: Notes given and learn the given Notes

Geography: Read Water cycle

Arabic: Complete your work

Art: Complete the Drawing

12.03.2013 (TUESDAY)
P.S.H.E/Islamic eng./Islamic ara.: Notes given,Quran Class,.............
Science: Learnt about Parallel and Sereis Circuit and its features
English: Complete story in the N.B with illustration
French: Notes Given
Arabic: New Words given
Maths:Complete work

11.03.2013 (MONDAY)
English: Write and illustrate your story in the N.B
Geography: Learn the given ur story in the N.B
Maths: Complete work
Science: Find the difference and uses of series and parallel circuits
Arabic: New words given

10.03.2013 (SUNDAY)
French: Revise the work given and Portion given
Library: Read Books

Islamic/P.S.H.E: Quran class / Notes given

Math: Complete TEXT BOOK 3 Pg: 4 and 5

Geography: Did Pg:4 and 5 Complete the illustration


06.03.2013 (WEDNESDAY)

05.03.2013 (TUESDAY)
P.S.H.E/Islamic eng./Islamic ara.: Notes given,Quran Class,.............
Science: Learnt about Parallel and Sereis Circuit and its features
English: Chose a any writing style "Jaqueline Wilson's" Style or "Lemony Snicket"
French: Notes Given
Arabic: New Words given

04.03.2013 (MONDAY)
English: Prepare for the English Test
Geography: Read Pages 4 to 5
Maths: Bring Text Book 3 Tomorrow
Science: Revise Parallel and Series circuit
Arabic: Do Chapter 9 and 10 in the N.B

03.03.2013 (SUNDAY)
French: Do Pg: 76 Ex: 2 and 3 and write Verbe aller 3 Times in the N.B
English: Complete the work given in the N.B
Library: Read Books
Islamic/P.S.H.E: Quran class / Notes given
Math: Pg:18 Q.1 and Q.2
Geography: Complete given work

ICT: No home learning
ENG: 51 all question in practice note book. learn spelling list 3 first 15 words.
ARABIC: Write  paragraph 7,8,9,10 of Al Hawayat
SC: Do Q4,5,6 in note book
ICT LAB : No home learning
Maths: Notes Given

27.02.2013 (WEDNESDAY)

26.02.2013 (TUESDAY)
P.S.H.E/Islamic eng./Islamic ara.: Worksheet done in class,Notes given,.............
Science: Complete your N.B
English: Pg:51 "Sentence Work"  Do Blue box for "Warriors" Do green circle for "Riders"
Do red triangle for "Flyers"
French: Pg: 75 Q.5 in the N.B
Arabic: Do Chapter 5 in the N.B

25.02.2013 (MONDAY)
English: Complete the Drawing in Pg:50 and complete your N.B
Geography: Write 10 times on water in practice book
Maths: Notes given
Science: Do Q.7 and Q.8 in the N.B
Arabic: Do Chapter 2 to Chapter 4

24.02.2013 (SUNDAY)
French: Notes Given
English: "Peer Teaching" Find information on the writing style of Lemony Snicket
Library: Read Books
Islamic/P.S.H.E: Quran class / Notes given
Math: Bring TextBook 2 Tomorrow
Geography: Revise Social Studies

21.02.2013 (THURSDAY)
English: N/A
Arabic: N/A
Sci. Lab: N/A
Comp. Lab: Practical Test
Maths: Pg: 55 Q.3 13 and 14

20.02.2013 (WEDNESDAY)
English: Revise Adverbial Phrase
Maths: Notes Given
Geography: History Worksheet Given
Arabic: Do Chapter-1 in the N.B
Music: Sang Songs

19.02.2013 (TUESDAY)
P.S.H.E/Islamic eng./Islamic ara.: Notes given,.................,.............
Science: Complete the work given
English: Pg:48 All Questions According to your team Rider, Flyers, Warriors.
French: Pg:72 Q.2 Full
Arabic: Stick or draw the given work

18.02.2013 (MONDAY)
English: Read Pg:46 and 47 Find meanings of new vocabulary
Geography: Stick Pictures in Pg: 37 and Pg: 43 and Revise given notes
Maths: Do Pg:54 G.1 and Q.2
Science: N/A
Arabic: N/A

17.02.2013 (SUNDAY)
French:complete your books.
English:Write a play script/BAKE SALE
Library: BAKE SALE
Islamic/P.S.H.E: Quran class / Notes given
Math:pg 52 Q1 ,Q2

14.02.2013 (THURSDAY)                                                                                                                    ICT: GEOGRAPHY TEST DONE                                                                                  English: Write a play script of your own in the Practice Book and Spelling List 2 Test on sunday                                                                                                 Arabic: Worksheet Done                                                                                                  Sci. Lab: Went to lab for experiment and revise the discussion in lab                        Comp. Lab: Revision Done                                                                                  Maths: Revise the work given

13.02.2013 (WEDNESDAY)
English: Page 81 Triangle in Practice Book
Maths: Notes Given 
Geography: Prepare for the test
Arabic: Worksheet discuss
Art: Complete the drawing 

12.02.2013 (TUESDAY)
P.S.H.E/Islamic eng./Islamic ara.: Notes given,.................,.........................
Science: Answered test paper given 
EnglishNotes given. H.W given in the N.B
French: Notes given
Arabic: Notes given in the Textbook

07.02.2013 (THURSDAY)
ICT: TextBook Done 
English: Revise the given work
Arabic: Complete your N.B
Sci. Lab: Science Test Done
Comp. Lab: Revise the given work
Maths:: T.B 1 Pg: 49 Q.2 ALL

06.02.2013 (WEDNESDAY)
English: Revise the work given
Maths: Quiz Done 
Geography: Pg: 37 H.W stick pictures
Arabic: Complete your N.B
Music: Acting Practice done

05.02.2013 (TUESDAY)
P.S.H.E/Islamic eng./Islamic ara.: Worksheet Completed,.................,.........................
Science: Worksheet Done
English: Drum Session 
French: Quiz Test Done

04.02.2013 (MONDAY)
English: Solve Page 81 in the Text Book
Geography: Read Pg: 30-35
Maths: Revise the work given
Science: Solve the given Worksheet
Arabic: Complete Your N.B

03.02.2013 (SUNDAY)
French: Do Question 4 and Question 5 in Pg:55
English: Pg: 80. Do It Orally
Library: Read Books
P.S.H.E/Islamic eng./Islamic ara.: N/A
Maths: Answered Test paper given and give the answered test paper with signature tomorrow
Geography: Revise the work given

31.01.2013 (THURSDAY)

30.01.2013 (WEDNESDAY)
English: Stick Picture of William Shake spear in the N.B and Spelling List-1 on Sunday
Maths: Revise the work given
Geography: Revise the given work
Arabic: Revise the given work
Art: Complete the Drawing given

29.01.2013 (TUESDAY)
P.S.H.E/Islamic eng./Islamic ara.: Worksheet given,.................,.........................

28.01.2013 (MONDAY)
English: Complete the Work given in the N.B
Geography: Stick Pictures Of Capital Cities of Tokyo, Japan and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Science:Complete Question 4 and Question 5

27.01.2013 (SUNDAY)
Geography: Pg:50 Q.1, 2 and 3
P.S.H.E/Islamic eng./Islamic ara.: Complete your N.B, ........................., .............................
English: Complete Story writing  with sketch in the N.B

23.01.2013 (THURSDAY)
English: Write a Spy Thriller story in Practice Book and draw sketch in the Note Book
P.S.H.E/Islamic eng./Islamic ara.: Complete the Worksheet given, ........................., .......................
Maths: Complete your work
Geography: Pg:50 Q.1 TO Q.3